Total Medals Earned: 34 (From
15 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 730 Points
Click on one of Dark Link's clones to find the Sign guy right behind them.
After the credits are over, Click on Zelda's eyes in the middle of the screen to see her complain about the episode.
Click on the button that says "When's the next one coming out?"
Find the hidden Red Link button for bloopers and outtakes.
Click on Cojiro the Cucco for a Robot chicken gag.
Click on one of the statues during the scene.
Click on Dark Link's sunglasses during his Matrix dialogue.
When Blue talks about Dark Link, Click on the words "Dark Link" in the subtitles to see a deleted scene of the riot.
Press Down Right Left, Down Right Left on the keyboard to play her song.
Sit there, shut up, and watch the entire thing...ALL THE WAY TO THE BITTER END.
Watch Africa Dudes twice in a row, black to black! (Without re-loading your window!)
Yeah, you're gonna sit there and watch it again - AND THIS TIME, YOU BETTER LOVE IT.
The more aggressive problem solver.
The more thoughtful problem solver.
Beat the Game
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Find medicinal blue flowers for the good doctor
Kill a spider, save a kitty.
Eliminate the Pig Hunter
Help the town tailor find a green, furry shawl.
Accomplish your mission to find a new identity.
Kill your first enemy.
Let history take its course.
Launch your first mortar strike.
Kill 100 footsoldiers.
Take out least 5 enemies with one explosion.
Don't skip any of the in-game cutscenes.
Die without killing a single enemy.
Shoot down 6 enemy airplanes.
Destroy 6 tanks.
Stay alive for 50 hours.
Regain your health after nearly dying.
Destroy 500 enemies.
Survive for 250 hours.
Chain 4 explosions.
Jump on the enemy in 'TRUST'.
Attempt to use the arrow keys in 'PLEASE WAIT'.
Use the button to create a bridge.
Get the 'Trapped Forever' ending. According to SWFStats 60% of population get this ending.
Get the 'Free' ending. According to SWFStats only 11% of population get this ending. Do you want to be that special?
Dont commit suicide in 'SUICIDE'.
Get the fake ending: press ESCAPE in 'THE END'. According to SWFStats only 13% of players get this ending.
Skip the spring in 'BREAKTHROUGH'.
Don't kill the creature in 'REFLEX'.
Don't kill the creatures in 'DROP3'.
Continue to play for 30 seconds after the movie ends.
Follow Liam's logic to a watery escape.
Muscle your way to the end with Reemus.
Help Reemus relieve some roach tension.
Kill First Enemy
Kill Tenth Enemy
Kill First Boss
Kill Fourth Boss
Kill Second Boss
Kill Third Boss
Collect 75 Achievements
Kill Fifth Boss
Collect 100 Achievements
Beat the game.
Read all the signs.
Get all the coins.
Kill all the enemies.
Don't take damage.